Friday, 10 October 2008

HSBC and their call centres

The word fury, does not even cover what I felt when I was in Asda last week. The day before I had gone to Nandos and tried to pay for lunch on my card but my PIN was incorrect. I entered it in twice and the pinpad said last try and I thought it would be best if I didn’t enter my PIN again. So when I got to the till at Asda I entered my PIN again and it got blocked. I was furious, how is it the PIN I’ve been using for years hadn’t worked? I didn’t want to put the transaction on any of my credit cards, because hey we are kinda in the middle of a recession and I am not getting into that trap. The cashier reckons she couldn’t bypass the PIN/call the bank or put it through manually (that’s a lie- every merchant can ring for authorisation) so I had to call the bank. Which is an 0845 number- which is not free- apparently you can ask for them to call you back- now that I know that I will be rinsing that. I was on the phone for half an hour to the call centre who are not UK based. They had the audacity to say they would end the call if I kept using profanities. I was mad. Isn’t funny how when you miss a bill they are quick to call you and resolve things but when my PIN gets blocked they want to be long and delay the whole process by not allowing me to sign instead,
Anyways it all got resolved and my PIN is not blocked. But the wickedest thing is I did put my PIN incorrectly, I guess I was just thinking about it too much and it made me put the wrong number in. Oh well. I still might complain about the convo and how it could have been resolved quicker and not on my air time.


x said...

Oh girlfriend I feel you on this one! I HATE BANKS! Each and every last one. They charged me £35 the other day for being £1.23 overdrawn!?? If I ever join the Taliban... WATCH.

Chris Burgoyne said...

The fun we have with banks... I personally have never had a problem with HSBC but I feel for you.
Frank @ Secured Loans / Loans / Home Loans